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Maya Harmony Blog

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stories of the magical life of the Maya

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Stepping into Sacred Time

Writer's picture: Laura LaBrieLaura LaBrie

Draw a circle on the ground. Do it slowly and with intention. If you like, you can set candles or flowers around it. Feel free to add incense, crystals, or anything else that feels sacred and lovely or powerful to you.

Now . . . step inside the circle.

You have just stepped into a different time.

Sacred time.

The Maya have such a strong belief in 2 different types of time that they created two different calendars, moving in harmony with each other. The Haab is the normal calendar with its 365 days like our calendar. But the Tzolk’in measures sacred time.

Imagine you are walking down a path and on each side of you there is a beautiful arch. You look through one and see your house, trees, animals, your neighbor. This is normal time, the time we experience as we live our day to day lives. But when you look through the other you see stars and swirling energies. This is sacred time. It doesn’t follow the rules of normal time. It is fluid and in it you can leave your body and explore the cosmos, the dream time. You can talk to your ancestors and connect with dimensional beings like aluxes or faeries (yes, they are real), or angels or guides. It is up to you. How much “time” will you spend in each world?

 And what about the place where you stand? Your feet on the path? That is the time between times. It is the place where everything can be accessed, and the veil is thin.

Of course, you do not need to draw a circle on the ground and step into it in order to step into sacred time. You walk there every time you burn incense and light a candle in remembrance or in honor of your ancestors, or of the great Motherfather. You do it every time you stop to lift your face to the sun and close your eyes to focus on its warmth and healing. You do it every time you sit at the water’s edge and allow your mind to drift out over the waves.

How can you step into sacred time today?

It is a very special place. It is something needed for balance. It feeds your spirit and enlightens your soul. It reminds you that you are not simply a body walking in a physical plane. You are an eternal being and eternity is your home. This life is just a journey, an experience, you might even call it a game.

We are filled with forgetfulness when we focus only on the things of the Haab time. We fall out of balance and become disconnected from who we truly are. This makes life frustrating and robs us of peace and of our joy because we fall into the trap of believing the illusion.

Your whole being needs you to step into the space of sacred time.

We are setting aside 3 days in January and again in February to step into sacred time here in the heart of Mexico’s Yucatan. Come join us and walk deeply into magic. Meet with energies in other realms. Find peace and healing. Experience power. See into your own heart and into the great Heart of Earth-Heart of Sky.

Expand your vision.

It will be a transformative time.

And you can begin the journey of sacred time today by simply drawing a circle, or lighting a candle, and tuning your focus in to the otherworld. You can make it a daily practice by setting aside a time each day to make that connection.

Your body will thank you for it. And so will your mind and your emotions. Because your spirit needs to connect with Spirit in order for you to be whole.

Hugs and butterflies,






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