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stories of the magical life of the Maya
Learn about Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural Beings, Sacred Sites, Ceremony, Meditations, Food, Maya Life and Giving Back. The supernatural weaves itself through everything here, all is connected, all is alive.
3 min read
You Won't Believe What I Stepped On!
My heel hurt. I mean it hurt a lot. Every step was painful. I knew I injured it, but the really weird part was how. (I mean SUPER WEIRD)
4 min read
Shamanic Everyday Magic
A simple white taper candle, short and unobtrusive is standing on a plate in a tiny mountain of wax drippings. Can you imagine its calm flam
3 min read
Wisdom from a Maya Story Keeper
Gods and goddess ringed the circle, Ixchel the goddess of childbirth, Yum Kaax the lord of the forest, and most importantly, Chaac, the red
3 min read
Sastun: The Shaman Stone
It is called a sastun in Maya and is powerful, magical, and necessary to be considered a shaman in the Yucatan. It is extremely rare!
6 min read
A Shaman's Instructions: How to Manifest What You Want
The next night, something amazing happened. I went to bed and as things began to quiet down around me my mind began to drift. I remembered
6 min read
3 Stories of Magical Power Objects
He prayed in Mayan for a few minutes. I sat with my eyes closed, still a bit in awe and just trying to relax and take it all in.
2 min read
What Does Real Maya Magic Look Like?
And, though it may be powerful, it is humble and does not attract attention to itself. It is not filled with fanfare nor is it beautiful.
3 min read
A Magical Mug: Maya Pottery
Its energy is tangible. Its smooth contours were made by the careful hands of Don Sergio, a master potter who lives in a remote village
4 min read
How to Protect Your Home from Negative Energy
Find out how to protect your home from negative energy
10 min read
Secret of the Speaking Cross: Part 4
I was thrilled. We stopped the car and I got out and approached the shrine. It was small, unassuming. Nothing about it shouted, “Here I am!”
9 min read
Secret of The Speaking Cross: Part 3
I must admit, the story was a bit troubling. So was the energy I felt from the intimidating stone cross. My stomach began to turn.
4 min read
Bringing a Magical Clay Doll to Life
The fire from the traditional stone kiln glowed against the cool Yucatan evening. Three of us sat not far from it, feeling its heat, and gaz
3 min read
Shapeshifting in Uayma
In animal form the person was much stronger and faster and could easily run into town in 15 minutes. Of course, this tended to scare some p
4 min read
Journey into the Heart of the Goddess, Ixchel
I decided to make a little Ixchel image as an offering to the goddess. Sergio was so struck by my work that he said I have a “don” the word
6 min read
Pottery and Deep Magic
The is a story about heavy warnings from a shaman, shapeshifting, and pottery. I loved a book called Incantations. It’s written by Maya wo
3 min read
A Dangerous Mayan Spirit Makes a Farmer's Family and Animals Sick!
The cows were getting sick without a known cause. Something unexplained was infiltrating the farm. Something evil.
3 min read
Rare Photos of a Magical Mayan Creature!
These photos are of something so mystical, magical, and rare! Earlier this year we traveled to a spectacular cenote called Suytun just...
5 min read
The Center of the Maya World and a Powerful Entity
I stood at the altar at the center of the world. It was a simple church . . .
4 min read
A Maya Cleansing Ceremony
I sat on the little silver-painted stool in the middle of the room, having agreed to a cleansing by Francisco, the herbatero (Maya shaman)
3 min read
The Secret of the Talking Tree
What secret lies behind the walls of this humble Maya church? There is a legend in the Yucatan Peninsula about a tree that saved the
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